Sunday, November 11, 2018

My School's Project

In my school, we yearly work on a project to help our students overcome one of the challenges which they face. This year we chose a very important topic ''Ethics and Morals''. And as we know that morals is a huge topic and has many branches like ( respect, love, participation, justice, cleanliness, honesty.... ).
We started to work on each value separately by doing a lot of activities and events that enhance the value in the mind and the actions of the child. For example, on World Peace Day we celebrated by doing activities that enhance the value of love and participation among students. Also, we make a big tree on the wall of the school and name it ''Tree of Morals'', it is filled of leaves and every child who is distinguished by moral value through his actions and behaviors, his name or photo will be put on a leaf of this tree. In addition to many awareness sessions for students about personal hygiene and taking care of the surrounding environment. The school's project from the beginning showed positive results through the behaviors of students, and the work on this project continues to promote good moral values in their minds and hearts.


  1. It is really interesting, I liked the idea! we need to raise children in the correct way which demands teaching them morals and applying it in order to have better generations.

  2. you know since people forgot about morals, education turned into something with no value, what i mean here is while it's true that education is advancing and technology is affecting our daily lives, we're being so attracted to it that we began to forget that school is considered our second house metaphorically speaking, in which case discipline should be something we teach our students just like literature or science.

  3. It's a pretty good idea! and I'm glad that this project is working out and enhancing students' positive behaviors.

  4. Great idea! We as teachers have to raise children on the right track and enhance their behavior positively.

  5. education can't work alone it needs a friend which is called morals and ethics , if education lacks morals it will be useless, how can we learn from a member who lack from morals and ethics then his/her degree is useless

  6. Good idea!!
    Morals and ethics are the basics for every educated human.


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